
BLOGS & Health Tips from Dr. Perez

Laser Resurfacing Treats Many Different Skin Conditions

What is Laser Skin Resurfacing? Millions of people suffer from a wide array of skin conditions that impact their day to day life.  While not all skin conditions can be treated with laser skin resurfacing, many can be!  Laser skin resurfacing can visibly improve many skin conditions and may even completely eliminate some skin conditions. …

Did You Know

According to the American Cancer Society, about half of all Americans who keep smoking will die because of the habit. Each year more than 480,000 people in the United States die from illnesses related to tobacco use.

Patient Review by Anon C.

“I don’t remember the last time I walked out of the shower and LOVED the way my face looked!!!!!  It is so even toned and clear!! It looks like Stacey took a few years of damage off my face and rejuvenated me!!  Not to mention I can’t stop touching how soft everywhere she treated me…

Why It’s Important to Take Antibiotics When You Have an Infection

Antibiotics are a beneficial medication that help fight and rid the body of infection.  Different antibiotics work in different ways to treat a myriad of infections.  Not only is it important to take antibiotics when your doctor prescribes them for a specific infection but it is important to take the right antibiotics for the full…

DC Ranch Family Medicine Health Tip

If you get a bad burn you should run cool water, not cold, over the burn or soak it in a wet towel instead of putting ice on it. Keeping the wound clean will also help it heal quicker.

Charles R. Swindoll Quote

“Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.” Charles R. Swindoll

Did You Know

You will leave your Pellevé RF Wrinkle Reduction & Tightening appointment with a natural glow, the results will only continue to get better and better with optimum results being produced at 15+ days as collagen synthesis and formal remodeling of your skin’s texture begins.

Patient Review By Colette B.

“I don’t know where to start…. Dr.Perez and his team are absolutely phenomenal. And let me tell you I have thrown them many curve balls week after weeks. Dr Perez has been behind me for the last few years keeping me together. I never leave there without laughing a ton, and having EVERY medical concern…


A patented, non-invasive treatment, Dermalinfusion is fully customizable and the perfect solution to address a wide variety of skin concerns and conditions from head-to-toe and is suitable for all skin types and tones.

Quote by Tom Stoppard

“A healthy attitude is contagious but don’t wait to catch it from others. Be a carrier.” – Tom Stoppard


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